
Set timer for 30 seconds
Set timer for 30 seconds

set timer for 30 seconds

Note that, if your wrist is lowered during that time, your watch will still return to sleep. Ordinarily it is set so that if the timer is short - circuited when the driver. The clock continues to run when your half minute has passed. On your iPhone, in the Watch app, go to: My Watch > General > Wake Screen - under On Tap, select the setting for 15 or 70 seconds. The timer tells you when your time has expired.


Back Use this 30 Seconds Full Screen Here are some great pre-set timers ready to use. Try the Fullscreen button in classrooms and meetings :-) Start Clear 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 Set Clear Loading. To choose between 15 and 70 second time periods: Simple to use, no settings, just click start for a countdown timer of 30 Seconds.

set timer for 30 seconds

  • Press the Digital Crown when the watch is already awake (for example, if it is set to Resume Last Activity on wrist raise, you may need to press the Digital Crown to return to the watch face).
  • Tap on the display when the watch is already awake, or.
  • Wake your watch by pressing the Digital Crown once, or If you need a timer set for a different amount of time than 30 seconds, it is simple and quick to change the setting.
  • Up to 15 seconds on being tapped (the default setting), or įor your choice of the longer time periods to apply, interact with your watch by tapping the display or pressing the Digital Crown.
  • set timer for 30 seconds

    Up to around 6 seconds, when waking the watch by raising your wrist.Under watchOS 2 and later, Apple Watch can remain awake for: The Utility, Simple and Colour watch faces each include a large second hand, which you may find helpful for conveniently timing periods of less than one minute.

    Set timer for 30 seconds